Pizza, forgiveness night, & friends

Tired of eating at home? Join us at Jules Thin Crust Princeton, and help our project to grow!
Thursday, June 8, 2023, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

This Thursday, June 8, 2023, when you EAT Pizza at Jules and mentioned that you want to contribute to the Forgiveness Project Fundraiser, JULES PIZZA DONATES to Nice2MeetU for us to continue to expand our Forgiveness Project!

We're hosting a Nice 2 Meet U' Fundraiser & ALL we're asking is that you join us and eat Jules Pizza!

That's it! You eat dinner at Jules, and they'll donate.

Here's how it works:

Jules Pizza will donate 20% of EVERY receipt for purchases made for Nice2MeetU Fundraiser.

Plain pizza, Buffalo Chicken pizza, Kim's Pie pizza, Vegan pizza, Mediterranean pizza, Pepperoni pizza, Brooklyn pizza, and more!

Get what YOU want to eat, tell them at the register that you're here for Nice 2 Meet U, and have fun! Also, you can go solo and join us there, since we will be there as well, or you can bring all and family and just say hi to us.

No need to cook on THURSDAY, June 8, 2023

We'll be there, our families will be there, and we hope that all of YOU, our friends, will be there too!

Here are the details:

June 8, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

️@ Jules Thin Crust | Princeton, NJ

18 Witherspoon St

Princeton, NJ 08542


See you then!

Love and abrazos,

Nice2MeetU Team